How You Can Avoid Shipping Container Scams

The shipping container industry has become a target for scammers in recent years, with individuals using complex strategies to dupe and mislead unsuspecting customers. At 1st Containers, we are working hard to protect our valued customers and help them avoid these scams.

Many of these scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and, at face value, can be very convincing. We have created a list of tips that will help you to identify cons and stop you from falling prey to these schemes.

We recommend that anyone with evidence of fraud or wrongdoing report it directly to HMRC, Action Fraud, and the relevant police authorities. Our team are also available to provide you with help and advice should you need it, you can call them on 01708 558 700 or email

Our Top Tips:

1. Do your research before placing an order

The shipping container industry is expansive and many businesses are operating in this very competitive marketplace. Before placing an order, we recommend that you do your research on the company to ensure that it is legitimate.

Out-of-date content, little to no social media presence, incorrect details, and reviews too good to be true can all be red flags and should warrant further investigation. Remember: it is better to be safe than sorry.

2. Check their details match who they say they are

Trustworthy companies will have several details readily available for their customers which can be checked with third-party entities. You can cross reference the registration number of any business using the website which will give you details including registered address, incorporation date, and other information. You can also use the website to check the VAT number of any business.

3. Don’t be misled by a well-designed website

These scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to spot. At first glance, a website might seem genuine, but don’t be misled by aesthetic design. Websites are now relatively easy to create and are a worthwhile investment for any wannabe scammer.

Take care to look at a site’s content. Is there an about us section? What details do they have of the business? Are they informed about the products they’re offering?

As a bare minimum, company websites will often site the registered company name, registration, and VAT number in the footer.

4. Question rock bottom pricing

Used shipping containers will regularly fluctuate in price as the marketplace is dictated by wider industry changes. Prices are often competitive and quotes may vary from one business to another, this alone is not a cause for concern. However, if you receive a quote that is well below the average price of a container it may be worth enquiring as to why you’re getting such a bargain.

Shop around before settling on a decision. You can contact the 1st Containers team on 01708 558 700 for a free quote and advice on finding the right container for you.

5. Trust your gut

Our biggest piece of advice would be to follow your instincts when making a shipping container purchase. If at any point of the sales process, you have found yourself doubting or worrying about the legitimacy of a company then it might be worth going elsewhere.

Do as many checks as it takes so that you feel happy, confident, and comfortable in your decision, and reach out to the professionals if you remain uncertain.

Looking for a Shipping Container?

1st Containers are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of high-quality shipping containers nationwide and have been in operation for more than 18 years. We pride ourselves on delivering best-in-class customer service while creating real value for our customers time and time again.

With almost 100 years of combined experience, the 1st Containers team are experts in providing reliable, affordable, and efficient solutions to our customer’s problems. We offer a complete end-to-end service and, thanks to our strategically located depots, quick and reliable delivery.

Check out our website for details, or call a member of our expert team on 01708 558 700.